New Zine – My Failed Podcast

It seems like we are besieged with a new and insidious wave of idiocy and greed in the pro-am-media. Much the like the old wave of greed and idiocy – but with added bro-energy and bit-chain-coin-tokeny-ness. Prepare for the old order to attack the new order etc. © Whatever. It’s all so P.T. Barnum – and they do so continue to be born. So… err… I made a zine? Yeah, because that’s gonna help. Well it helps me and I have dominion over the subjectivity of my own experience. Boo!

You can buy here: Jody Shopping Zone


Supertime Books & Jody Barton present a brand new Tarot deck with completely new ideas, artwork and metaphors in keeping with the dismal and comic age in which we cower. Laugh, cry and hurl as you utilise these exquisite esoteric fortune telling cards to re-order your own disordered life(style) into something yet more baroque and disassociative. Meet the artist and writer of this romantic deluge Jody Barton, get him to sign your cards, pummel him for insights into the fog you call ‘your life’ and be a good member of society, turning up to awkwardly meet other people with obliquely similar interests. Drinks, salty snacks, maybe a playlist – Jody might even ‘talk’. It’s gonna be a gas.

Thursday April 3rd 2025, 17:00 to 19:00
Blågårdsgade 31c 2200, Copenhagen, Denmark