Cafe Poster Show – Until 30th September

It’s all about posters. A gigantic installation of hundreds and hundreds of handmade posters, collages and paintings – all new, all different, all fresh ideas.

13.00 – 23.00
Monday to Saturday until 30th September
Skt Peders Stræde 34
1453 København, Denmark
Tel. 33 32 85 15

Press Release:


‘Cafe Poster Show’ – New Artworks by Jody Barton
Din Nye Ven, Sankt Peders Stræde 34, København 1453 – tel: 33 32 85 15
Monday – to Saturday 13.00 – 23.00

Jody Barton is a multi-disciplinary artist with a background in commercial graphics for street fashion and record cover design. He also publishes his own zines, comic books, makes music and short films. This show is an installation piece made from hundreds of handmade posters, drawings and collage pieces which aims to examine and deconstruct the aesthetic of the busy bulletin board. Photocopies, delicate ink drawings, photographs both personal and found, transparent film, tape, pins and paintings are layered on top of each other to create a highly complex textural piece which uses the walls and bulletin boards of this cafe bar as an integral part of the artwork. Jody has created graphics for Stussy USA, MTV, Black Humours Japan, Norse Projects, Umbro, Greenpeace, Art Park Australia, Mambo, Turboweekend, Soundvenue and more and has also shown widely in London, Tokyo, Paris, Australia and Berlin. His latest book ‘Black Masters’ is available on Nieves.


‘Cafe Poster Show’ – Nye kunstværker af Jody Barton
Din Nye Ven, Sankt Peders Stræde 34, 1453 København – tlf. 33 32 85 15
Mandag – til lørdag fra 13,00 til 23,00

Jody Barton er multi-disciplinær kunstner og har en baggrund inden for kommerciel grafisk kunst til blandt andet street fashion og cover art for musikbranchen. Han udgiver sine egne zines og tegneserier, og laver desuden musik og kortfilm. ’Cafe Poster show’ er et stykke installationskunst lavet af flere hundreder håndtegnede plakater, tegninger og kollager, som sætter sig for at undersøge og dekonstruere æstetikken bag den tæt tilklistrede opslagstavle. Fotokopier, sirlige blæktegninger, fundne og personlige fotografier, gennemsigtig film, klisterbånd, pins og malerier er opsat i lag oven på hinanden og skaber en kompleks tekstur, som bruger væggen og opslagstavlen i caféen som en integreret del af værket. Jody har tidligere lavet grafisk kunst for Stussy USA, MTV, Black Humours Japan, Norse Projects, Umbro, Greenpeace, Art Park Australia, Mambo, Turboweekend, Soundvenue og har udstillet vidt og bredt i London, Tokyo, Paris, Australien, Berlin. Hans seneste bog ‘Black Masters’ sælges gennem

Uh huh, yeah.

I’ve designed a crazy Tarot card deck. I’m expecting delivery from the printers MID FEBRUARY

OK, I’m cautiously interested – tell me more