Student Graduation Hat – Studenterhuen

It’s graduation week for high-school students in Denmark… everyone gets a graduation hat. And then the drinking begins.

There are a huge number of hat related graduation traditions. For example:

Write the grade of your last exam on the inside of your hat.

Get your friends to write a greeting inside your hat.

Bite marks in the shade of your hat bring you good luck.

If you have the largest or smallest hat in your class, you have to buy a case of beers for everyone to enjoy.

Got the highest grade in the class? You also have to buy a case of beers.

Attach a beer cap to your hat or cut a square notch if you finish 24 beers in 24 hours.

Drink a whole 24 beers and see the sunrise? You get a house shape cut in your sweatband.
Piss your pants? Drink beer from the hat!

Get your stomach pumped? The entire shade of your hat goes bye-bye. Score sex from the medical staff? Goodbye chin strap.

Kiss a new person? Cut a square in the shade.

Something very naughty and sexy? Write what happened in your hat!

Sex with the teacher? Goodbye to the roof of your hat altogether.
Was it the biology teacher? Draw a beetle!

Wanna get hot with someone? Get them to write their name in your hat.

Sex with just your hat on? A lightning strike gets added!

Goodbye to your regular lover? Goodbye metal buttons too.

Hot sex with your regular squeeze? Cut a heart out!

Swimming in just your hat? Blue waves for all to see.

Each time the party lasts ’til sunrise – cut a triangle notch.

Fail the last exam… wear your chinstrap under the chin all day long dummy.

Everyone disagrees about these traditions… and more are added every year. What’s your new one?

and more and more and more…

I’ve designed a crazy Tarot card deck. I’m expecting delivery from the printers MID FEBRUARY

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